Textbooks supplied to the School students

The following list contains textbooks authored by the academic staff of the School and other Schools, which are distributed gratis to the students according to Greek University Education Legislation, as well as the corresponding courses

  1. Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory“, by A. Dermanis for “Linear Algebra and Matrix Calculus”.
  2. Physics, Vols. 1, 2, for ” Physics II”.
  3. Fortran-77 in the operating system VM/SP“, by K. Katsambalos, for “Geoinformatics I”.
  4. Mathematics“, by S. Ioulidis for “Mathematics”.
  5. Fundamentals of Meteorology – Physical Environment of Measurements“, by A. Asteriadis for “Physical Environment of Measurements”.
  6. Surveying, Vol. 1“, by D. Vlachos for “Surveying Instruments and Measurement Techniques”.
  7. Surveying, Vol. 2“, by D. Vlachos for “Topographic Mapping”.
  8. Surveying, Vol. 3“, by D. Vlachos for “Underground surveying”.
  9. Adjustment of Observations and Estimation Theory, Vol. 1” by A. Dermanis for “Στατιστική και ανάλυση δεδομένων”.
  10. Adjustment of Observations and Estimation Theory, Vol. 2” by A. Dermanis for “Adjustment of Observations and Estimation Theory”.
  11. Methods and Applications of Observation Adjustment“, by A. Dermanis & A. Fotiou for “djustment of Observations and Estimation Theory”.
  12. Surveying Networks and Computations“, by D. Rossikopoulos for “Surveying Networks and Computations”.
  13. Surveying Computations and Control Network Adjustment“, by A. Dermanis, D. Rossikopoulos & A. Fotiou for “Surveying Networks and Computations”.
  14. Theory of Geodesy“, by E. Livieratos for “Science and Technology of Rural and Surveying Engineering”.
  15. Geodetic Map Projections“, by Ch. Kaltsikis for “Geodetic Map Projections”.
  16. Physical Geodesy“, by K. Katsambalos & I.N. Tziavos for “Physical Geodesy”.
  17. Gravimetry“, by D. Arabelos for “Gravimetry”.
  18. Fundamentals of Geophysical Prospecting“, by D. Arabelos for “Geophysical Prospecting”.
  19. Geodetic Astronomy“, by A. Tsioumis for “Geodetic Astronomy”.
  20. Space Geodesy & Geodynamics-GPS“, by A. Dermanis for “Space Geodesy and GPS”.
  21. Analytical Photogrammetry“, by A. Dermanis for “Analytical Photogrammetry”.
  22. Introduction to Photogrammetry“, by P. Patias for “Introduction to Photogrammetry”.
  23. General Cartography and Introduction to Thematic Cartography“, by E. Livieratos for “Thematic Cartography” and “Introduction to Cartography”.
  24. Computer Graphics“, by M. Papadopoulou, I. Paraschakis and P. Patias for “Computer Graphics”.
  25. Computer Assisted Cartography“, by M. Papadopoulou, I. Paraschakis and P. Patias for “Computer Assisted Cartography”.
  26. Cadastre“, by A. Arvanitis for “Cadastre”.
  27. Physical Geography“, by G. Asteriadis for “Physical Geography”.
  28. “Combined Hydraulic Works“, by Ch. Tzimopoulos for ” Hydraulic Works. Currently Applied Technologies for Environmental Protection”
  29. Agricultural Hydraulics – Individual Irrigation Networks“, by Ch. Tzimopoulos for “Hydraulic Works. Currently Applied Technologies for Environmental Protection”.
  30. Drainage – Well Hydraulics“, by Ch. Tzimopoulos for “Drainage Engineering. Innovative Technologies for the Protection of the Environment”.
  31. Introduction to Urban Hydraulics“, by E. Partheniadis for “Environmental Engineering-II. Water Supply Networks”.
  32. “Introduction to Ocean Hydraulics and Wave Mechanics“, by E. Partheniadis for Coastal and Ocean Engineering.
  33. Soil Mechanics. Exercises and Problems“, by G. Grammatikopoulos, N. Manos and Th. Hatzigogou for “Soil Mechanics”.
  34. Transportation Engineering, Vol. 1“, by G. Giannopoulos & I. Frantzeskakis for “Transportation Engineering”.
  35. Lessons on Reinforced Concrete, Vol. 1“, by G. Penelis for “Reinforced Concrete”.
  36. Programming Guide in the VISUAL BASIC 6 Environment“, by Th. Georgakis and K. Katsambalos for “Geoinformatics-ΙΙ”.
  37. Coordinates and Reference Systems“, by A. Dermanis for “Reference Systems and Time”.
  38. Geometric Geodesy. Theory and Practice“, by A. Fotiou for “Geometric Geodesy and Networks”.
  39. GPS and Geodetic Applications“, by A. Fotiou & Ch. Pikridas for “GPS”.
  40. Introduction to Surveying“, by D. Tsoulis for “Surveying Instruments and Measurement Techniques”.
  41. Introduction to the Gravity Field“, by D. Arabelos & I.N. Tziavos for “Introduction to the Gravity Field”.
Books – Class Notes – Journals

The following list contains books and textbooks authored by the academic staff of the School, which are distributed gratis to the students according to Greek Univerity Education Legislation, as well as the corresponding courses. The list of available journals of library RSE are also provided below.

Class Notes distributed to the School students
  1. M. Kontadakis, “Mechanical Geometric Optics” for “Physics I”.
  2. E. Sidiropoulos, Ch. Fotiadis, “Numerical Analysis” for “Numerical Analysis”.
  3. Ch. Pikridas, A. Fotiou, “The GPS satellite system” for “GPS”.
  4. I.N. Tziavos, S. Spatalas, “Field application of layout plans and Surveying practice” for “Field application of layout plans and Surveying practice”.
  5. D. Vlachos, M. Myridis, “Surveying of Monuments and Archaeological Sites” for “Surveying of Monuments and Archaeological Sites”.
  6. D. Rossikopoulos, “Geodetic Measurements of Deformations” for “Geodetic Measurements of Deformations”.
  7. P. Patias “Application of Photogrammetry” for “Digital Photogrammetry”.
  8. M. Myridis, “Geography and Space Analysis” for “Geography and Space Analysis”.
  9. E. Livieratos, “Thematic Cartography” for “Thematic Cartography”.
  10. E. Karnavou, “Urban Analysis and Planning” for “Urban Analysis and Planning”.
  11. E. Karnavou, “Regional Analysis and Planning” for “Regional Analysis and Planning”.
  12. M. Tsakiri-Strati, “Digital Image Processing” for “Digital Image Processing”.
  13. Ch. Boutoura “Map Use” for “Map Use”.
  14. A. Arvanitis “Land Valuation” for “Land Valuation”.
  15. P. Tolikas, Ch. Fotiadis”Applied Hydraulics” for “Applied Hydraulics”.
  16. E. Sidiropoulos, P. Tolikas, “Engineering Hydrology” for “Engineering Hydrology”
  17. S. Yiannopoulos, “Environmental Engineering-II. Water Supply Networks” for “Environmental Engineering-II. Water Supply Networks”.
  18. S. Yiannopoulos, “Water Supply – Tanks” for “Environmental Engineering-II. Water Supply Networks”.
  19. S. Yiannopoulos”Water Supply – Vol. 1. Water needs estimation” for “Environmental Engineering-II. Water Supply Networks”.
  20. S. Yiannopoulos”Waste Water Vols. 1 & 2 for “Environmental Engineering-I. Waste Water Networks”.
  21. A. Geitonas”Wastewater treatment and management” for “Wastewater treatment and management”.
  22. V. Dermisis, “River hydraulic and Segment Control ” for River hydraulic and Segment Control Methods
  23. Ch. Tzimopoulos”Irrigation Networks II” for “Irrigation Networks”.
  24. S. Yiannopoulos”Lessons in Engineering Hydrology” for “Engineering Hydrology”.
  25. A. Damaskinidou – E. Sidiropoulos, “Open-Channel Hydraulics”, for “Open-Channel Hydraulics”.
  26. G. Mintsis, “Highway Engineering“, Highway Design I” Highway Design II”
  27. G. Mintsis, “Pavement Design” for “Pavement Design”
  28. Ch. Taxiltaris “Transportation Planning” for “Transportation Planning”
  29. D. Tsoulis, “Space geodesy and applications” for “Space geodesy and applications”.
  30. I.N. Tziavos, “Hydrography and Marine Geodesy” for “Hydrography and Marine Geodesy”.
  31. M. Papadopoulou, “Fundamentals of Cartography” for “Fundamentals of Cartography”.
  32. A. Arvanitis, A. Kousoulakou “Data Bases and Geographic Information Systems” for “Data Bases and Geographic Information Systems”.
  33. A. Arvanitis, A. Kousoulakou, M. Papadopoulou, “Introduction to Geographic Information Systems” for “Geographic Information Systems”.
Catalogue of Journals at the Library of the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering

The following list contains the Journals available in the School Library, either through University subscription or by honorary distribution to members of the academic staff. The year after the journal name denotes the beginning of the subscription. In case of two year entries the second one denotes subscription termination.


  • Acta Geophysica Polonica (1980)
  • Advances in Water Resources (1978)
  • Agricultural Engineering (1979-1988)
  • Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten (1986-1988)
  • American Cartographer (1980-1989)
  • Anales del Instituto de Geofisica UNAM (1970)
  • Annales Geophysicae (1983)
  • Annual Report, Eotvos Lorand Geophysical Institute (1972)
  • Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics (1963)
  • Appraisal Journal (1981-1986)
  • Appraiser and Analyst (1982-1988)
  • Astronomical Journal (1968-1984)
  • Astronomy and Astrophysics (1969-1987)
  • Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts (1969)
  • Astronomy and Astrophysics, Supplement Series (1970-1994)
  • Astrophysical Journal (1975-1984)
  • Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series (1976-1983)
  • Australian Journal of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Surveying (1979-1992)
  • Australian Journal of Soil Research (1978-1992)
  • Australian Surveyor (1978-1988)


  • BiBliographia Geodaetica (1962-1985)
  • Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen (1960-1981)
  • Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Topografia e Fotogrammetria (1980)
  • Bolletino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini (1964-1967)
  • Bolletino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata (1982-1995)
  • Bulletin d’ Information (1960)
  • Bulletin Geodesique (1973-1975), (1986-1995)
  • Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, Univ. of Tokyo (1979)
  • Bulletin of the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (1979)


  • Canadian Surveyor (1978-1995)
  • Cartographic Journal (1970)
  • Cartography and Geographic Information Systems (1990)
  • Cartographica (1980)
  • Chronique UIGG (1974-1996)
  • Computers and Geosciences (1985, 1986)
  • Contributions, Geophysical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (1969-1991)


  • Deutsche Geodatische Kommission, Heft (Reihe A-E) (1971)


  • Earthquake Information Bulletin (1980-1982)
  • Earthquakes and Volcanoes (1986-1993)
  • Engineering with Computers (1987)
  • Eratosthenes – Eρατοσθένης (1988-1991)


  • Finance and Development (1979-1994)


  • Geo Abstracts A, B, C, E, G, (1972-1982)
  • Geo – Processing (1982-1986)
  • Geocarto International (1986)
  • Geodesy, Mapping and Photogrammetry (1980-1981)
  • Geodezja i Kartografia (1981-1986)
  • Geofisica Internacional (1971-1997)
  • Geographical Abstracts A, B, C, D (1970-1971)
  • Geometre (1980-1984)
  • Geophysical Journal of the R.A.S. (1986)
  • Geophysical Prospecting (1984-1993)
  • Geophysical Transactions, Eotvos Lorand Geophysical Institute (1974-1994)
  • Geophysics (1984-1994)
  • Geosciences, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1983-1990)


  • Hydrogeologie, Geologie de l’ Ingenieur (1978-1988)
  • Hydrographic Journal (1983-1993)
  • Hydrosoft (1989-1990)


  • Icarus (1962-1984)
  • IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (1986)
  • Informatica per il territorio (1979)
  • International Hydrographic Review (1980-1993)
  • ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (1989)
  • ITC Journal (1973)


  • Journal of Geophysical Research (1964)
  • Journal of Geodesy (1995)
  • Journal of Geophysics (1943-1987)
  • Journal of Hydrology (1981-1986)
  • Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (1983 -1986)
  • Journal of the Geodetic Society of Japan (1982)
  • Journal of the Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists (1978-1986)
  • Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division (1978 -1982)



  • Land Economics (1980-1987)
  • Lighthouse (1983-1988)


  • Manuscripta Geodaetica (1980-1994)
  • Mapping Sciences and Remote Sensing (1984-1986)
  • Marine Geodesy (1980)
  • Mining Engineering (1966-1984)
  • Mining Magazine (1971-1984)
  • Mitteilungen, Institut fur Theoretische Geodasie, Univ. Bonn (1971-1994)
  • Mitteilungen, Geodatisches Institut, Univ. Graz (1975)
  • Mitteilungen, Institut fur Astronomische und Physikalische Geodasie TU Munchen (1974)


  • Nachrichten aus dem Karten – und Vermessungswesen, Institut fur Angewandte Geodasie, Frankfurt/Main (1979)
  • Navigation (1965)
  • NOAA Technical Memorandum (1977)
  • NOAA Technical Report (1979)


  • Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fur Vermessungswesen und Photogrammetrie (1986, 1987)


  • Photogrammetrie (1986)
  • Photo interpretation (1982-1988)
  • Photogrammetria (1940-1988)
  • Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (1964)
  • Photogrammetric Record (1984, 1989)
  • Planetary and Space Science (1959-1984)
  • Publications, Finnish Geodetic Institute, Helsinki (1931)
  • Publications, Eotvos Lorand Geophysical Institute (1965-1987)
  • Publications on Geodesy, Netherlands Geodetic Commission (1970-1991)
  • Publications, Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences (1981)


  • Quaterniones Geodaesiae – Γεωδαιτικά Tετράδια (1980-1987)


  • Remote Sensing of Environment (1983-1986)
  • Report G, UNISURV (1972)
  • Reports, Finnish Geodetic Institute, Helsinki (1973)
  • Report of the Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction, Geographical Survey, Institute of Japan (1980)
  • Report Geophysics Division, Department of Scientific and Indust rial Research,New Zealand (1975)
  • Report, Institute of Geophysics, Dept. of Geodesy, Univ. of Uppsala (1978-1990)
  • Reports, Dept. of Geodetic Science and Surveying, Ohio State Univ. (1975-1991)
  • Reviews of Geophysics (1985)
  • Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics (1980-1984)


  • Societe Francaise de Photogrammetrie et de Teledetection, Bulletin (1964-1988)
  • Soil Science (1972-1994)
  • Soil Science Society of America (1970-1994)
  • Soviet Astronomy (1968-1984)
  • Space Science Reviews (1965-1984)
  • Spaceflight (1964-1984)
  • Sterne und Weltraum (1962-1984)
  • Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica (1980)
  • Survey Review (1967-1993)
  • Surveying and Mapping (1978-1979)


  • Tectonophysics (1979-1994)
  • Tectonophysics (1979-1994)


  • Vermessung, Photogrammetrie, Kulturtechnik (1962-1985)


  • Water Resources Research (1970-1994)
  • Water Research (1989-1994)


  • Zeitschrift fur Vermessungswesen (1986)
Greek Journals
  • Γεωδαιτικά Tετράδια (see Quaterniones Geodaesiae)
  • Δελτίο Γεωγραφικής Yπηρεσίας Στρατού – Bulletin of the Army Geographical Service (1957)
  • Διαρκής Eρμηνευτικός Kώδιξ Πολεοδομικής Nομοθεσίας – Annals of Urban Planning Legislation (complete, continuously updated)
  • Eνημερωτικό Δελτίο I.Γ.M.E. – Information Bulletin of Institute of Geologic and Mine Research (1983)
  • Eρατοσθένης (see Eratosthenes)
  • Tεχνικά Xρονικά, Eπιστ. Περ. A TEE – Technical Chronicles, Scientific Journal of the Greek Chamber of Engineering, Series A (1983)

The Library of the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, established in 1964 houses a large collection of printed and digital resources of both scientific and general interest. It is located on the 5th floor of the Surveyors’ Building.

Printed material amounts to about 8000 books, 101 Journals under subscription, as well as textbooks and class notes which are distributed gratis to the School students. In the following links provide extensive catalogues of the available, Books and Class Notes.

Digital material consists of DVD, CD-ROMs, disks with information material and software. The Library material can be lent to the School personnel and students, as well as to those of other AUTh Schools and other Greek academic or research Institutions.

A number of book donations to the School remain outside the Library (not yet registered) and they will become available at the School Museum under construction.

The Library of the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering is a peripheral library, cooperating with the AUTh Central Library to provide services in the scientific areas of the School.

The Library Regulation of the School Library follows the one of the AUTh Central Library. The resources available in the School Library can be tracked by using the search engine of the AUTh Central Library.

The software, which supports the organization of the Library, allows the search within its resources but also for those in other Libraries in Greece and abroad.

Library Thematic Categories

The Library covers all the thematic categories in the fields of Rural and Surveying Engineering with emphasis on those related to undergraduate and graduate studies and the research activities of the School. The collection is continuously enlarged with titles suggested by members of the academic personnel. Also, themes outside the main School interests are covered, e.g., history, social sciences, etc.

Library Objectives

The Library aims at the promote of knowledge and research in the various branches of Rural and Surveying Engineering, in accordance with contemporary needs for development at the national as well as international levels.

Library Membership

A registration, with the academic identity, is required for becoming a Library member.

Right for membership is limited to the School personnel and students, as well as to external users – visitors whose professional activities are related to the studies and research in the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering.

Online Coursepacks (Elearning)

The development of online coursepacks aims at organizing all teaching materials in a single, seamless learning environment that may be equally accessed and used by all AUTh academic community members. A.U.Th. Library System has acquired the Moodle platform, a web-based course management system that enables instructors to provide students with course materials, discussion boards, virtual chats, online quizzes, an academic resource centre, and more. Therefore, it can contribute in enriching the traditional learning experience, in encouraging and supporting the development of distance learning programs.

More information at http://elearning.auth.gr and at http://www.opencourses.gr.

In charge of the Library is Ms. Evangelia Tseva

Contact Person: Ms. Evangelia Tseva – tel: +30 2310994377

Library of the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Thessaloniki University Campus, Topografon (Surveyors) Building, AUTh, 1st floor, GR-54124, Thessaloniki.

Άλλες Υποδομές

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