All University students enroll to the legally recognized Student Associations which officially represent the students at the various University Bodies and spoke on their behalf in the framework of University life.

The R&SE students are represented by the “Student Association of Rural and Surveying Engineering” and in particular by its Executive Board. Decisive body of the Association is its General Assembly. “Per year of Studies” assemblies and committees are also in function.

Every year elections take place for the Executive Boards of each Student Association in all Schools and Universities nationwide.

The highest representative body of University students is the “National Student Union” with great esteem thanks to its historical struggles for Freedom and Democracy, from the years of the demonstrations for the Cyprus independence (late 50s), the demonstrations of “114” (Number Constitution Article entrusting the defense of the constitution to the Greek citizens) and of “15%” (percentage of national income requested for the education sector of the state) in the 60s, the “Polytechnion” (bloodshed student demonstration in the Athens Faculty of Engineering against the military dictatorship in 1973) and other great moments in the history of the Greek Youth and the Greek students movement. In the National Student Union participate representatives from all Student Associations in the Greek Universities.

The representative body of the AUTh students is the “Student Union of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki”, with important historical contribution to the students movement. It is formed by elected representatives from all AUTh Student Associations.

The Student Associations are the legal representatives of the students in all University administrative bodies (Rectorate, Faculties, Schools, Departments, School Executive Boards) with right to speak and vote, and participate with the teaching personnel to the elections for Rectors, Deans, School Presidents, Department Chairmen, etc. It also participates to the curriculum organization and positively contributes in the organization of the studies.

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